Уроци, Курсове и Теми

Уроци, Курсове и Теми

Нуждаете се от уроци по чужд език, курс по готварство или бизнес обучение? Освен тези услуги, може да откриете редица други обяви за уроци, които могат да ви бъдат полезни. Ако пък вие имате талант, може да предложите обучение в съответната област. Пуснете обява, за да предадете уменията си на други хора. За ваше удобство, може да селектирате по област, вид урок и цена.


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1 305 Обяви за Уроци, Курсове и Теми
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3 - Day First Person on Scene Intermediate (FPOSi)
3 - Day First Person on Scene Intermediate (FPOSi)
First Aid is a combination of effective skills needed to save the live of an injured person and prevent the ca...
Range safety officers course – 4 Days
Range safety officers course – 4 Days
The first step in learning to become a weapons instructor is to run thru multiple iterations in the support jo...
Weapons instructor`s course – 7 Days
Weapons instructor`s course – 7 Days
Most weapons instructors are required to have a depth of experience that helps them teach well beyond just ...
Mobile patrol, tactics and techniques course – 3 Days
Mobile patrol, tactics and techniques course – 3 Days
This course is designed for students with an intermediate level of weapons competency. Course consisting o...
Basic carbine and carry training – 3 Days
Basic carbine and carry training – 3 Days
Officers who have assigned carbines are faced with many obligations in order to meet their perspective oper...
CPO Close Protection Оfficer Course – 10 Days
CPO Close Protection Оfficer Course – 10 Days
Close protection officers courses are one of the most complex subject matter within the security industry t...
Maritime weapons competency – 5 Days
Maritime weapons competency – 5 Days
During the period between 2008 and 2012 piracy incidents skyrocketed. The security industry at the same tim...
Maritime weapons competency – 3 Days
Maritime weapons competency – 3 Days
During the period between 2008 and 2012 piracy incidents skyrocketed. The security industry at the same tim...
Tactical motorcade and convoy training – 3 Days
Tactical motorcade and convoy training – 3 Days
Operating vehicles tactically requires a coordinated effort that protection teams can only master through y...
CAT Advanced Counter Assault Team training – 5 Days
CAT Advanced Counter Assault Team training – 5 Days
Many high level VIP Protection organizations augment their venue security and motorcade packages with a cou...
Advanced Flashlight and Night Optics Weapons Training - 3 Day
Advanced Flashlight and Night Optics Weapons Training - 3 Day
Night operations are consistently and successfully executed only by the best trained units in the world. S...
Tactical VIP in High Risk Zones
Tactical VIP in High Risk Zones
VIP protection within a war zone or even quasi war zone operates under very complicated planning cycles. S...
Advanced Weapons Proficiency Course – 3 Days
Advanced Weapons Proficiency Course – 3 Days
This course is designed for students who have an above intermediate level of competency in weapons manipula...
Team Advanced Complete Tactical Gear with primary and second
Team Advanced Complete Tactical Gear with primary and second
Students are required to be at the intermediate competency level of both primary and secondary weapons prior ...
Intermediate course tactical pistol – 3 Days
Intermediate course tactical pistol – 3 Days
Students are required to have completed entry level courses for this weapons system prior to attending this...
Intermediate tactical riffle – 3 Days
Intermediate tactical riffle – 3 Days
All soldiers and contractors who carry long guns as a prerequisite to their job title find themselves commi...
Weapons Adventure Training
Weapons Adventure Training
The weapons high adventure training session is designed for the complete novice who has a curiosity about w...
Курсове по Самоотбрана
IPSC Weapons Training
IPSC Weapons Training
IPSC or International Practical Shooting Confederation has become a highly international competitive sport. ...
Курсове по Самоотбрана
IDPA training course
IDPA training course
IDPA or International Defensive Pistol Association was created to reflect more realistic defensive shooting te...
Курсове по Самоотбрана
Marksmanship with optics Rifle and Pistol
Marksmanship with optics Rifle and Pistol
This training platform directly addresses all problems that arise from optics selection, mounting and sighting...
Курсове по Самоотбрана